Estudios sobre la Grilla Acústica - Libro I & II
Studies for the Acoustic Grid - Book I & II
(2011 / 2014)
2 audio CDs with book
Pages: 32
Format: 13 X 13 cm
Pages: 32
Language: English / Spanish
Pages: 32
Format: 13 X 13 cm
Pages: 32
Language: English / Spanish
Libro II (2011)
I) Primera aproximación a la Historia de la Escritura del Mundo First aproximation of the History of the Writing of the World [2.52] II) Cristales laberintos densos caleidoscopios sobre perspectivas menguantes Crystal labyrinths dense kaleidoscopes on diminishing perspectives [4.17] III) En el mundo oíd a la voz del cuchillo que hiere a la luna In the world listen to the voice of the knife that hurts the moon [6.34] IV, V, VI) Ritmos emplazamientos colores en sombras derivativas: la sombra en la perspectiva de Vitruvio arquitecto Rhythms emplacements colors in derivative shades: the shadow in the perspective of Vitruvio the architect Estudio IV - Cristal Sónico, ap 1 [4.29] Estudio V - Cristal Sónico, ap 2 [3.07] Estudio VI - Cristal Sónico, ap 3 [1.10] VII) Luna sangrando a Jackson Pollock Moon bleeding Jackson Pollock [6.17] VIII) Luna sangrando a Jackson Pollock en círculos Moon bleeding Jackson Pollock in circles [8.57] IX) Relieves contrastes planos perspectivas impura memoria navega de fugas futuro Reliefs constrasting impure perspectives memory navigating future fugues [2.23] X) Epílogo: Requiem al hombre desde una mariposa Requiem to a man from a butterfly [4.47] |
Libro I (2014)
I) Segunda aproximación a la Historia de la Escritura del Mundo / Second approximation of the History of the Writing of the World [2.42] II) Laberinto del Cristal de la Catedral de Santa Mónica de los Venados / Labyrinth of the Crystal of the Cathedral of St Monica of the Venison [5.07] III) Luna sangrando a Jackson Pollock en espiral Moon bleeding Jackson Pollock in spiral [8.58] V) La Grilla Acústica en 12 planos Acoustic Grid in 12 planes [23.53] V) Fuga del Cristo Negro Fugue of the Black Christ [8.17] VI) El río de Juan Laurentino The River of Juan Laurentino [4.46] |
La Teoría Sagrada del Espacio Acústico - Libro I
Sacred Theory Of The Acoustic Space - Book I
Multi-layered to play in either 5:1, Super Audio stereo, or stereo
Super Audio SACD with three layers of audio, containing three different mixes of 57 minutes each.
Recorded in Buenos Aires, mixed in 5.1 in a studio in Brasilia (Zen Records) & pressed in a German factory (Sonopress)
Super Audio SACD with three layers of audio, containing three different mixes of 57 minutes each.
Recorded in Buenos Aires, mixed in 5.1 in a studio in Brasilia (Zen Records) & pressed in a German factory (Sonopress)
I) Prologue & Introduction [4:38]
II) Acoustic Grid - Gear [11:12] III) Omega 2 Omega [31:49] IV) H [10:28] V) Choir of the Sacred Theory of the Acoustic Space: Book [13:03] VI) Free [13:36] VII) Epilogue - Shadows’ Art [5.51] Sales: CDBaby or Direct Sales |
To listen to more music of Oscar Edelstein go to: Bandcamp/AcousticTheatre